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However, the medical uses for the drug are outshined by the cosmetic industrys lime light; there are many conditions that can be helped with its proper use; it can even be life changing when used properly for the correct condition in the right patient. In keeping with the popular use of the drug in the facial area, it can be used to treat blepharospasm or spastic blinking which can be an issue on its own or due to mild Turrets Syndrome. This condition can be detrimental to vision, and privileges such as driving can be suspended for those who have the uncontrollable and sight debilitating dysfunction. Used properly, It can help regain control of the eyelids improving vision. Even the slightest dysfunction in vision can be debilitating, and correcting it of course can be life changing.Another condition commonly treated with the drug is CD or cervical dystonia. This is a similar spastic condition to blepharospasm that involves the neck shoulder area. Sometimes referred to as torticolis, CD causes otherwise un-relievable tightness that may cause inability to turn the head to one side or the other or both. It makes simple tasks like housework, desk/computer work, driving, or any physical activity seem insurmountable. The relieving effects of injections can certainly help these sufferers regain normalcy.Excessive underarm sweating can be also be treated with Botox as well, and though excessive sweat does not itself hinder activities, the embarrassment attached to such a condition can certainly stop someone from living life to the fullest. The sometime controversial injections are sometimes used in Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy patients for the relief of spasticity in limbs. Helping to relieve some of the symptoms associated with these two auto immune diseases can help a person to better respond to physical therapy or occupational therapy. Those patients with these conditions are likely to need help eating, drinking, bathing, brushing teeth, etc. because of the tightness and muscle spasticity they experience , and the relief provided by properly administered injections helps a patient either regain or learn these life sustaining skills. Botox is certainly popular due to the cosmetic industry, and the cosmetic benefits of the drug are certainly tangible and inviting, but the medical benefits when used in the right setting are amazing and life changing for those who suffer from these detrimental conditions.