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byAlma Abell
Lawn Maintenance Companies in guilford-ct can start working on a property at some point in April to prevent crabgrass and other unwanted plants from sprouting up in the yard. For most people, the key to a beautiful lawn is uniformity in the appearance, even if they use a blend of grass seed. Crabgrass, ground ivy, and other plants disrupt that uniformity. Their tenacious nature helps them expand to increasingly large parts of the yard if not dealt with quickly. Sometimes it’s easy to see this issue in neighboring properties, where one homeowner puts forth the effort to keep the neighbor’s problem plants from encroaching into the adjoining yard. The difference in appearance is obvious right at the borderline.
Technicians from Lawn Maintenance Companies in guilford-ct want to tackle the prevention project soon after the soil starts becoming soft once the frost melts. Unwanted plant seeds have been lying dormant in the grass all winter and are just about ready to spring up. They apply effective solutions that are not harmful to the grass that the property owner wants but that do eliminate weeds. The herbicide is technically known as a pre-emergent weed killer. Aeration service and fertilizing are done later. It’s important to note that pre-emergent herbicides may not be effective at eliminating weeds once they are established in the yard, which is why technicians don’t want to wait too far into the season for this work. The technicians also are aware of any rules they must follow for properties located on water so runoff of potentially harmful chemicals does not occur.
Homeowners who don’t like the idea of chemical herbicides can have lawn maintenance technicians from a company like Madison Earthcare include the elimination of weeds as part of the weekly scheduled service. The technicians can dig up weeds along with mowing the grass, trimming around trees and buildings, and edging flower beds. Pruning shrubs and bushes can be part of this summertime service. Many homeowners especially want help during the fall, when leaves are on the ground and need to be raked up. This is also the best time to apply new grass seed for a thicker lawn come spring.